
T. Faithful Guardian: Dog’s Unwavering Care and Protection of Baby Earns Admiration from Online Community

In 2012, in South Carolina, Benjamin Jordan hired a 22-year-old babysitter named Alexis Khan to take care of his 2-month-old son Finn. Inside the house, Jordan also kept Killian, a mixed-breed German Shepherd who worked as a herding dog. When Jordan and his wife went to work, Finn would stay at home with the babysitter and the dog. Everything went on smoothly.

In 2012, in South Carolina, Benjamin Jordan hired a 22-year-old babysitter named Alexis Khan to take care of his two-month-old son Finn. Jordan also had a German Shepherd mix sheepdog named Killian living with them. When Jordan and his wife went to work, Finn stayed home with the babysitter and the dog. Everything seemed to be going fine.

However, when Finn was seven months old, Jordan noticed strange behavior from Killian. The dog was very aggressive towards Khan, always watching her and could bark very viciously. Jordan recalled, “We noticed that Killian was very defensive whenever Alexis was around. He would growl, stand between Khan and my son, and his hair would stand on end.”

According to Jordan, Killian was normally a very friendly and calm dog, so this odd behavior raised a red flag, and he decided to investigate. He said, “We knew we had to do something.”

So, Jordan placed a phone under the couch in the living room and turned on the recording function. He and his family thought they would capture evidence of Khan abusing or mistreating Killian. But what they discovered was something they never could have imagined.

They heard the sound of the baby crying while Khan continuously cursed, saying, “Shut up, you shut up.” They also heard sounds that they were sure were Khan shaking and even slapping their baby. “We couldn’t believe it,” Jordan was furious. “At first, it was just cursing. Then, I heard the sound of a painful slap, and the baby’s cry changed from discomfort to pain. I just wanted to turn back time and save him right there.”

Read more “touching stories about dogs” at Stories – Cute Dog Lovers

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