Snugly Pit Bull Finds Perfect Forever Home After Spending 400 Days In Shelter

A sweet pit bull named Lola quickly became a staff favorite at a small animal shelter in Arizona, but for whatever reason, she wasn’t catching the eye of any families.
The mama and her six puppies originally came in as strays, but before long, all of her little ones had been adopted. She was left waiting for her own forever home for 400 days.

Lola was just 1 year old when she initially arrived at the Humane Society of Wickenburg, and the employees grew to love her and her snug nature. Knowing how wonderful she is, they contacted the Arizona Humane Society’s “Project Reachout” to help them find Lola a forever home.
Before “Project Reachout” stepped in, the pup had been staying in a town of about 8,000 people. Fortunately, they were able to transfer her to the Arizona Humane Society in Phoenix, where her chances of adoption would be significantly higher.
Sure enough, their plan worked! Within 24 hours of her transfer, Lola was taken in by a wonderful family. The Perrys saw a social media post about her and scheduled a meeting for the very next day.
Even better, the Perrys have a daughter who thought they were just going to the shelter to pet some dogs. When she found out they would be taking Lola home with them, she was thrilled!

While Lola has spent more than half of her life in shelter care, she managed to stay just as happy, warm, and snug on day 400 as she was at the beginning. There is no doubt that this precious dog will be a welcome addition to the Perry family. They are lucky to have found her, and we can’t wait to see how Lola will thrive!
Read more: Family can’t stop laughing after missing dog returns home with ribbon she won from a dog show